Recognize the different DISC personality styles in a video call

Over the past few months, most of us have become familiar with working from home and the necessary video calls. For some this is not a problem and for others it presents a lot of challenges. Recognizing someone's personality style helps you cope with these challenges.
Door: Natasja Spaans op 2 September 2020.
Read in: 3 minutes.

In this blog we look at the personality styles from DISC. If you adapt your communication to these styles, a call will be much smoother and more effective. Let's take a look at how to quickly recognize these styles virtually too. We use the imagery from the book Hoogvliegers by Rosenberg and Silvert.

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The eagle represents D - Dominant

The eagle is a leader. When he has to work from home, he tends to get even more involved in their work. He wants to move forward and sends out plans to help the team, the organization, the Netherlands and the world through the crisis. In a video call he comes up with a compact agenda, starts talking quickly, often without realizing that the other people also want the floor or that his camera is still off. An eagle tries to keep the call as short as possible so that everyone can get back to work quickly. Ask an eagle beforehand to give its opinion last in discussions. After all, the purpose of the meeting is to weigh everyone's expertise and arrive at a supported approach. 

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The parrot stands for I – Interactive

The Parrot gathers people around it. They need this to feel good about themselves. They probably initiated or committed the meeting first. They enthusiastically tell the first attendees their beautiful new ideas, even if the ideas from the previous call have not yet been half converted. Use the power of the parrot to explain the purpose of the meeting in a comprehensible way to everyone and to come up with enthusiastic methods for this. 

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The pigeon stands for S – Stable

The pigeon likes stability in its working environment and making people feel at home. That is why they may need a little longer to get used to working from home. A daily check-in helps the pigeon to keep in touch with his teammates and ensures that the team is still there for them. Because the pigeon likes to keep the peace, he sometimes wants to express his opinion very carefully. Make sure that this opinion is heard by everyone and gets enough attention. The pigeon knows exactly who you need in the organization to get things done. 

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The owl stands for C – Conscientious

The owl now has the time of its life, provided it has a quiet space to itself at home and can reach everything. The owl wakes up task-oriented, preferably with a clear task list and with as few disturbances as possible. The owl gets irritated when people don't stick to agreements or rules. Due to its detail and eye for detail, the owl in a call needs more time than the eagle or parrot to form an opinion. Inform him in advance about matters in which his insight is important, so that he can already delve into the matter.

Do you want to know more about the DISC personality styles? It is one of the many topics on offer in our Team coach Expierince education!

In this blog we look at the personality styles from DISC. If you adapt your communication to these styles, a call will be much smoother and more effective. Let's take a look at how to quickly recognize these styles virtually too. We use the imagery from the book Hoogvliegers by Rosenberg and Silvert.

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The eagle represents D - Dominant

The eagle is a leader. When he has to work from home, he tends to get even more involved in their work. He wants to move forward and sends out plans to help the team, the organization, the Netherlands and the world through the crisis. In a video call he comes up with a compact agenda, starts talking quickly, often without realizing that the other people also want the floor or that his camera is still off. An eagle tries to keep the call as short as possible so that everyone can get back to work quickly. Ask an eagle beforehand to give its opinion last in discussions. After all, the purpose of the meeting is to weigh everyone's expertise and arrive at a supported approach. 

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The parrot stands for I – Interactive

The Parrot gathers people around it. They need this to feel good about themselves. They probably initiated or committed the meeting first. They enthusiastically tell the first attendees their beautiful new ideas, even if the ideas from the previous call have not yet been half converted. Use the power of the parrot to explain the purpose of the meeting in a comprehensible way to everyone and to come up with enthusiastic methods for this. 

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The pigeon stands for S – Stable

The pigeon likes stability in its working environment and making people feel at home. That is why they may need a little longer to get used to working from home. A daily check-in helps the pigeon to keep in touch with his teammates and ensures that the team is still there for them. Because the pigeon likes to keep the peace, he sometimes wants to express his opinion very carefully. Make sure that this opinion is heard by everyone and gets enough attention. The pigeon knows exactly who you need in the organization to get things done. 

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The owl stands for C – Conscientious

The owl now has the time of its life, provided it has a quiet space to itself at home and can reach everything. The owl wakes up task-oriented, preferably with a clear task list and with as few disturbances as possible. The owl gets irritated when people don't stick to agreements or rules. Due to its detail and eye for detail, the owl in a call needs more time than the eagle or parrot to form an opinion. Inform him in advance about matters in which his insight is important, so that he can already delve into the matter.

Do you want to know more about the DISC personality styles? It is one of the many topics on offer in our Team coach Expierince education!

By Natasja Spaans

The best thing about my role as a change guide is that I can help everyone to enjoy their work again. I do this by connecting people, celebrating successes together and experiencing small moments of happiness. Because alone you go faster, but together you get further!

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